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RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online What Is Tai Lopez SMMA 3.0? Testimonials For Tai’s SMMA 3.0 Program.How much does The 30-Day SMMA Challenge Cost?.Week 4 (Client Acquisition and Scaling).What’s Included In The Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA 3.0)?.1 | eComm Campaign Structure (60 min) - Live Setup pt. ‍ High Level FB Ads Knowledge: - $50.000/m Campaign Structure (76 min) - LookALike Mastery For $10k+/m Adspends (21 min) - Retargeting Mastery For $10k+/m Adspends (40 min) - Manual Scaling For $5k+/m Adspends (24 min) - Spectrum Scaling For $25k+/m Adspends (20 min) - Pressure Scaling For $100k+/m Adspends (12 min) - The Science of Proftiable eComm Ads (20 min) - Scientific eComm High Volume Scaling (21 min) - Live Setup pt. The Expanded FB Ads phase includes real $500k/m ad account case studies, and advanced strategies only known to the industry's absolute elite.

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This is incredibly high level stuff that you simply will not find anywhere else. Keep in mind, these modules were not made with the intention of being beginner friendly. In Plus we've added an additional 19 modules in FB Ads. In The Academy you become good at Running Facebook Ads - in Academy Plus you become the best. 5 clients at that level and you're already making 25k/month. It's simply a profitable investment for them. When you generate 50k a month in revenue for a business by running ads for them they won't hesitate to pay you 5k a month for that service. All they care about are the results you've delivered at the end of the month. Your future clients are not going to care how many hours you spend on the work you do for them. Running a business (in this case an agency) is completely different. For him x amount of hours = x amount of money. He may be doing spreadsheets or he may be constructing buildings. You see, the person working a full-time job is getting paid purely based on the hours he works. ‍ When people hear that they can start their own agency, and be making $10,000-$20,000/month within weeks or months of starting - their first reaction is often "but isn't that too good to be true?" We hear you, we understand your skepticism, so let us address it: There is a very large difference between someone getting paid a monthly salary working a full-time job for a company, and someone running a business that delivers value to other businesses.

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